Peer Review Process

Journal of Mashhad Medical Council (JMMC) employs an electronic-based review process with an average review speed of 8 weeks from the initial point of submission until a final editorial decision. The journal is edited by an editorial board of leading researchers in medical sciences. Manuscripts are reviewed by three reviewers selected from a reviewer database according to specific expertise, the editorial board, or suggested by the editorial board. The reviewers are encouraged to complete the review within 4 weeks. The reviewers assess the paper’s suitability for publication according to defined criteria. The conclusions should be supported by strong statistics and ethically sound data. The paper should be present with coherent content. It is important that the paper fits the aims and scope of the journal. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief will make the final decision regarding publication, based upon the reviewer comments. If the paper is not accepted for publication, a revision may be requested or it may be subjected to resubmission or rejection. If a revision or resubmission is requested, it is essential that the authors revise and respond to the recommendations made by the reviewers and the journal’s editor before sending the amended version or resubmitting the article.